Scholarships and Bursaries

Please consider supporting our students’ learning and success by donating annually to a scholarship or bursary.

For many students, the financial challenge is the greatest barrier to college success. Many work part-time or full-time while completing their studies. An increasing number have responsibility for one or more dependents. About one-third of Niagara College students are the first person in their family to pursue postsecondary education.

Watch a video to learn how students are impacted by your generosity:

There are many opportunities to establish your fund to support students in one or more programs in any of Niagara College’s schools of study. Options include a bursary or scholarship available when a student enters the first year or is a returning student. Niagara College offers more than 100 certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and degree programs with start dates in September, January and May.


  • Minimum award of $500
  • Criteria: Financial need and the academic program


  • Minimum award of $1,000
  • Criteria: Academic excellence (minimum 75% academic average) in addition to financial need. Donors may choose which academic program, plus additional criteria such as evidence of leadership skills, community involvement or college extracurricular activities.

You may choose to make one donation or continue to donate each year to provide an annual bursary or scholarship:

Types of Funds
  • Annual: a one time donation with the option to renew yearly
  • Declining: a gift that will be given out over multiple years
  • Endowed: a gift in which the principal remains untouched, and the interest earned is used to fund annual bursaries and scholarships. The minimum donation to endow a fund is $25,000.
Your Award

All donors will have the option to name their award(s). Awards can be made in memory, honour, or recognition. It would be our pleasure to discuss ways to recognize your generosity.

Student working in cafeteria
Student working with doctor holding medication
Students at the CFWI Innovaction Centre working with scientific equipment